Why You May Need a Tree Felling and the Benefits It Can Bring

When it comes to tree felling, many people may think it is only necessary to remove dead or dangerous trees. While this is true in some cases, felling trees can also bring a wealth of benefits to your property and garden. In this blog post, we will discuss why you may need a tree felling and the benefits it can bring.

What is tree felling and why do you need it?

Tree felling is the process of cutting down a tree, and it’s usually done for safety reasons. Trees can become dangerous if they’re diseased or damaged and pose a risk if they’re located near power lines or buildings.

There could be several reasons. Perhaps you have a diseased tree or are in danger of falling and want to remove it before it does any damage. Or maybe you want to clear some space in your garden for a new conservatory or extension. Whatever the reason, if you need to remove a tree, it’s best to leave it to the professionals.

The benefits of tree felling

  • Improved aesthetics: If you have a tree blocking your view or otherwise making your yard look unattractive, getting rid of it can make a big difference.
  • Safety: Dead or dying trees can pose a safety hazard, as they may fall and damage property or hurt people.
  • Increased sunlight: Trees can block out sunlight, affecting your home’s heating and cooling costs and the growth of your garden.
  • Clearing land for new construction: If you’re planning on building an extension to your home or doing other construction work, you may need to clear some land first.
This is a photo of tree felling being carried out in Uckfield. All works are being undertaken by Uckfield Tree Surgeons

How to tell if your tree needs to be felled?

  • The tree is leaning: It’s dangerous and could fall over, causing damage to property and injury to people.
  • The tree is difficult to walk around: If you have to go out of your way to avoid walking under a particular branch or getting hit by a low-hanging limb, it’s time to trim the tree.
  • There are dead branches: Dead branches are not only unsightly, but they can also fall and hurt people or damage property.
  • The tree is interfering with power lines: Trees should be away from power lines. If yours is closer, it needs to be trimmed or removed.

Who can carry out a tree felling service? 

If you are thinking about tree felling, the first step is to consult with a professional. Here at Uckfield Tree Surgeons, we can assess your property and advise you on whether or not it is necessary. Tree felling can bring many benefits, so don’t hesitate to contact us. We also offer other services, so check our home page for more information.

If you are thinking about tree felling, the first step is to consult with a professional. Here at Uckfield Tree Surgeons, we can assess your property and advise you on whether or not it is necessary. Tree felling can bring many benefits, so don’t hesitate to contact us. We also offer other services, so check our home page for more information.